Decide and deliver

6165f661442fa729560169e8d564eaeaManaging people can be an experience that makes feel really good about yourself-as long as you understand that it’s not a tidy, or
derly, predictable business. Flexibility and
maturity will come in handy. So dose a dose of good-natures humor that brightens everyone’s day.”

As a manager, we need to make more decisions than ever before, and we will probably wish us had more time, more information, and more guidance before making tough calls.

By developing a system for a calm, rational decision making, we’ll gain confidence when operating under duress. We can decide quickly and deliver great results without backtracking, dallying, or leading others to question judgment from us.

Decisions revolve around three steps: gathering facts, identifying options, and choosing the best one. Relevant facts can come from a range of sources, from employees to customers to activity reports and other quantitative measures.

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