Understanding Total Quality Management

If i ask to you what think in your mind if I say about quality? In real world most people will be answer quality is, How reliable is it? Quality is something that can make me wouldn’t wear something. I think an answer from this question is true, but I will give most clearly definition about quality, Quality is simply meeting the customer requirements, and this has been expressed in many ways by other authors. Juran in an early doyen of quality management define as Fitness for purpose or use.
The critical point of view from quality is not restrictive to the functional characteristics of product or service. Quality for most people give a explanation that some of the products they purchase is more associated with satisfaction in ownership than some functional property. By consistently meeting custoer requirements, we (developer) can move to a different plan of satisfaction – delighting the customer. A development is must be do by developer cause to make a customer loyality, an this an important variable in an organization’s succes.
Research show that focus on customer loyality can provide several commercial advantages:
·      Customer cost less to retain than acquire
·      The longer relationship with the customer, the higher the profitability
·      A loyal customer will commit more spend to its chosen supplier
·    About half of new customer come through referrals from existing clients (indirectly reducing acquisition costs).

For example companies like 3M us measure of customer loyalty to identify customer which are ‘completely satisfied’, would ‘definitely recommen’, and would ‘definetely repurchase’.

Kumpulan Materi Kuliah Teknik Industri

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Analisis Pasar

Analisis Dan Estimasi Biaya




Elektronika Industri

Ekonomi Teknik

Fisiologi Dan Pengukuran Kerja

Gambar Teknik

Intelligent Manufacture System

Kuis Fisika I

Kuliah Fisika 1

Kuliah Fisika 2

Kuliah Fisika 3

Kalkulus Peubah Banyak

Metodologi Hacking

Model Stokastik

Mekanika Teknik

Matriks Ruang & Vektor

Material Teknik

Manajemen Resiko

Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia


Perencanaan & Pengendalian Produksi

Perancangan Tata Letak Fasilitas

Perancangan Organisasi Manajemen Bisnis

Pengendalian Kualitas & Penjaminan Mutu

Pengantar Teknik Industri

Pengantar Ilmu Ekonomi

Psikologi Industri

Pemodelan Sistem

Sistem Manusia Mesin

Sistem Produksi

Rekayasa Kualitas

Sistem Informasi Manajemen

Sistem Cerdas

TTKI (Tata Tulis & Komunikasi Ilmiah)